Homepage - UpcomingEvents.com - Philadelphia & South Jersey
Philadelphia & South Jersey


UpcomingEvents.com assumes no liability for the content of any advertisement or event listing. UpcomingEvents.com is not responsible for information errors or omissions on this website, in its emails, or other form of communications regardless if they were made by the person posting the event or by UpcomingEvents.com. UpcomingEvents.com assumes no responsibility for, nor does it endorse, the content or claims of any advertising or listings on this website.

Event Submission Guidelines:

If you are going to be posting an event on this website, not all events may be accepted. It is at the sole discretion of UpcomingEvents.com whether certain events will be posted or not. We have this policy to best suit our readers needs so they can expect to see a consistent offering of the types they are used to seeing. If we choose not to post your event, you may or may not be contacted with the reason.

Events falling under the following categories will most likely NOT be posted. If you have a question about a specific event, feel free to Contact Us before posting and we can supply you with more information. This list can be modified at any time and is not a complete list of category reasons.

  • "adult" events or related salacious content
  • most events outside of the Philadelphia & South Jersey area
  • events that do not have a URL or website (A URL/Event Link is REQUIRED)
  • posting the same event more than once on any single day
  • posting MLM or any other similar tpyes of events
  • posting any sort of lead-generation types of events
  • posting an event ALL IN CAPS (please use normal capitalization only)

If you have any direct questions for us, please click "Contact Us" at the top of this page and we will promptly address them.

Thank You.

- The UpcomingEvents.com Team

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