What better way to spend an evening after-work then with a premier Beer-Tasting Party with FIVE exclusive choices to enjoy from Sam Adams, each paired with a delectable signature Bourbon Blue food selection. Learn about America's World Class Beer™, Sam Adams straight from the representatives! This event is the latest in our Tasting Time™ series brought to you by UpcomingEvents.com and YoungProfessionalEvents.com. Relax, kick back, and network with other young professionals. Please note that this is not a sit-down dinner and is instead an interactive social happy hour atmosphere where you can ask questions and learn about a Variety of Sam Adams Products - all while having fun!
Tickets for this awesome opportunity to Bourbon Blue are just $20 early bird until 11/11, $25 (11/11 - 11/15), and $30 at the door (if not sold out). - compare to similar events that are over $50! We are looking out for your checking account and keeping the event at an affordable price. SEE YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS THERE! VERY Limited Spots are left for this SPECIAL Tasting Time event, get your tickets SOON!
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