Loews Philadelphia Hotel 1200 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19107
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Start: Thursday, June 4, 2009 6:00 PM
End: Thursday, June 4, 2009 9:30 PM
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Event Features: Arts Oriented, Benefits Charity, Silent Auction, Special Event
www.muralarts.org |
The City of Philadelphia Mural Arts Program is hosting its annual Wall Ball fund raising event. Each year, Wall Ball celebrates the Mural Arts Program and its commitment to bringing vibrancy, culture and beauty to the walls of Philadelphia. Enjoy an evening of cocktails, cuisine, and a fabulous silent auction! Guests will channel their creative talents and paint pieces for the first Citywide Mural Project.
Link To This Page (click to send to friends!): https://www.UpcomingEvents.com/event/1777/
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